UnionsACT polling conducted in March reveals that a majority of Canberrans support the expansion of Canberra’s light rail network from Civic to Woden.
Polling commissioned by UnionsACT and undertaken on 16 March 2018 has found that support for stage 2 of light rail is at 51.5%.
2044 people were polled, with a margin of error of 2.2 percent.
Do you support or oppose the construction of stage 2 of light rail from Civic to Woden? | Total |
Support | 51.5% |
Oppose | 41% |
Undecided | 7.5% |
UnionsACT is calling on the Canberra Liberals, especially Senator Seselja, to stop opposing and delaying this important job creating infrastructure project.
Liberal Senator Zed Seselja has spent the last six months using his position in the Federal Government to oppose, delay and block progress for stage 2. Senator Seselja’s reckless behaviour puts at risk hundreds of construction jobs that would be secured if light rail stage 2 proceeded without barriers.
The following quotes are attributable to Alex White, secretary of UnionsACT:
“Support to light rail is strong across every part of Canberra.
“Senator Seselja and the Canberra Liberals have lost two elections by opposing one of the most popular job creating infrastructure projects in recent history.
“By referring the construction of light rail stage 2 to a federal parliamentary inquiry, Senator Seselja appears intent on sabotaging hundreds of local jobs.
“Sadly, it appears that Senator Seselja and his counterparts in the Assembly have only a single vision for Canberra, which is to destroy jobs and wreck our local economy.
“UnionsACT calls on Senator Seselja and the Liberals to stop undermining secure jobs for Canberra’s workers.”