Each year, UnionsACT makes a submission to the ACT Government’s budget consultation process. It highlights the priority areas for territory funding for the following year on behalf of the trade union movement and working people.
In particular, it focuses on both industrial, economic, social and community service areas that unions believe should be addressed by the government.
This year UnionsACT’s submission focuses on addressing disadvantage and social inequity, and improving social inclusion. Policy suggestions are both long-term and short-term to deliver real outcomes for people experiencing disadvantage.
Recommendations fall into five categories:
- Addressing precarious work and the use of labour hire
- Improving job security
- Increasing family friendly work
- Expanding social equity
- Strengthening work health and safety & workers compensation
Additionally, although addressing health care affordability was not included in the recommendations for this year’s budget, UnionsACT foreshadows that this is, and will remain, a major priority in 2016 and beyond.
Brought together, the UnionsACT recommendations provide a sound basis for substantially addressing inclusion and equality in the ACT.
Download UnionsACT budget submission here.