UnionsACT will launch a major campaign this Sunday to raise awareness of lobbying by insurance companies that will change the ACT’s motor insurance compensation laws.
The proposed changes to motor injury laws come after years of intense lobbying behind the scenes by the duopoly insurance companies. Under the changes, insurance companies will gain even more power over medical and compensation decisions for people injured in a road accident, including workers injured on the road.
Under the changes, insurance companies will be able to:
- Deny medical expenses, even if they’re recommended by your doctor.
- Reduce your rights to appeal their decisions and make it harder to get independent legal advice about your rights.
- Severely restrict your access to compensation and lower the compensation you would currently be entitled to.
- Restrict access Workers Compensation for workers who are injured on the road while they’re at work.
- Increase their profits levels from around 11% to up to 30%, at the expense of injured people receiving lower levels of compensation.
The UnionsACT campaign that will launch on Sunday 11 November includes TV and radio advertising, social media and digital advertising, direct mail and on-the-ground community organising.
The campaign website is: https://www.drivenbygreed.org.au/
The following quotes are attributable to Alex White, secretary of UnionsACT:
“Insurance companies are some of the most powerful, profitable companies in Australia, and they’re misusing their power to rig the system.
“The royal commission showed what happens when we let insurance companies gain too much power over injured people.
“The changes to motor injury laws will affect everyone who drives, cycles or uses the road for work, but insurance companies know very few people in the community are aware of the negative impact.
“We’re launching this campaign to raise community awareness and help the politicians in the ACT Assembly stand up to insurance company greed.”