We launched SundayFocus to help the small but growing group of independent media publishers and journalists that still publish hard-hitting, truthful stories.

We believe in making sure our newsletter is free for everyone.

That’s why we’re asking you to become a Solidarity Subscriber today.


Dear SundayFocus Community

Traditional, old models of publishing have failed, and at the same time, the truth is under attack by the conservative powers-that-be.

We’re seeing the rebirth of right-wing authoritarianism here and around the world. There’s a worsening climate crisis. Multinational corporations are collaborating with the Liberal government to attack unions and workers’ rights. And our democracy is under assault by billionaires. 

The biggest challenge we saw was this: the old model for high-quality, independent reporting has been wrecked by excessive corporate power and the billionaire owners of major publishing companies.

And this has deeply negative consequences for civil society, workers’ rights and our ability to build a better future for all.


We launched SundayFocus to help the small but growing group of independent media publishers and journalists that still publish hard-hitting, truthful stories.

We believe in making sure our newsletter is free for everyone, and that by making it free, we’re able to support and amplify high-quality, independent news that makes a difference.

We believe there’s a different, better way to build a sustainable, engaged audience, without loads of advertising, click-bait or cat-photos. 

Instead, we want a publication that treats you, our readers, with respect. A publication that treats you as engaged, intelligent and compassionate people. As people who care, and who want to make a difference.

Please, continue to subscribe and read our newsletter for free. We hope you enjoy it and find it thought-provoking. 

And if you can, please become a Solidarity Subscriber for $5 per month. Your support will strengthen our newsletter and help us promote independent journalism.


Almost 5000 subscribers read SundayFocus each week. Here’s what some of them have to say about us.

Excellent read and I recently forwarded it to someone I know. The good thing is that they're already subscribed.
It's articles are well resourced and balanced, which makes a pleasant change in Australia's conservative corporate media.
South Australia
It's very well written and exposes me to items of importance that mostly interests me.

SundayFocus fits the bill perfectly.
New South Wales

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