UnionsACT has condemned last week’s sham “health package” announcement by the Morrison Liberal Government ahead of tomorrow’s Budget.
The truth is that the Liberal Government cut $600 million from ACT health and hospitals in its 2014 Budget and never put it back.
The ACT was the only jurisdiction that faced health funding cuts from 2014-18. This is an addition to attacks on Medicare including freezing rebates and introducing ‘co-payments for diagnostic and pathology services like MRI scans.
The promised $51 million health package announced last week before the Budget is the opposite of “a significant package” as Senator Seselja said last Thursday, as long as the structural funding cut to ACT health and hospital funding remains.
The following quotes are attributable to Alex White, secretary of UnionsACT:
“Canberrans are angry at the Liberals and Senator Seselja for the cuts to ACT health and hospitals, so it’s no wonder they’re pushing this lie.
“The simple truth is that the Liberals cut $600 million from ACT health funding in 2014 and never put it back.
“Senator Seselja not only voted for the $600 million in cuts, but he cheered it on.
“Last week’s announcement shows Senator Seselja is so desperate to be re-elected, he will resort to deception in an attempt to trick voters in Canberra.
“The best thing for ACT health funding would be to get rid of the Federal Liberal Government and to get rid of Senator Seselja.”