UnionsACT is aware of employers using the coronavirus crisis to coerce vulnerable workers out of permanent employment and into casual jobs.
This activity is illegal, and workers who face this pressure from employers should contact UnionsACT or their union immediately.
The vast majority of economic stimulus support from the Federal and ACT Government has gone directly to employers, rather than to workers. It is immoral and illegal for employers to try to use the crisis to disadvantage and impoverish their employees.
Since last Monday, UnionsACT has been contacted by 100s of workers who are concerned about their job security and income security.
The following quotes are attributable to Alex White, Secretary of UnionsACT:
“It is deeply distressing to hear that some employers are using the coronavirus crisis to coerce vulnerable workers out of their permanent jobs.
“Employers should know that this is illegal, and any worker that has experiencing this should contact their union immediately.
“Businesses have now received access to billions in stimulus and should do the right thing and protect job security, not worsen it.
“Job security and income security are the top priorities for Canberra’s workers, according to record feedback to UnionsACT from 100s of workers since last week.