2017-02 Bangladesh

Australian Support for Jailed Bangladesh Garment Unionists

Unions and human rights activists are tomorrow holding a protest outside the Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra.

They are demanding that the Bangladesh Government release from jail the 26 workers. The arrests followed strikes and demonstrations by Bangladeshi garment workers seeking higher wages.

It is nearly 4 years since 1,138 garment workers lost their lives in the Rana Plaza collapse and what we see is a Government with no respect for labor law or fairness.

Quotes attributable to Michele O’Neil, National Secretary of the Textile Clothing & Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA):

“Garment workers in Bangladesh have one of the lowest minimum wages in the world at only $AUD87 per month.  The Bangladeshi Government and factory owners are responding to workers’ demands with violence, sackings and arrests.”

Quotes attributable to UnionsACT Secretary Alex White:

“Unions are supporting global protests against the Bangladesh Government. We call on the Bangladesh High Commissioner to relay our demands that the jailed unionists be immediately released and all charges dropped.”

The unions and their supporters are protesting outside the Bangladesh High Commission and seeking an urgent meeting with the High Commissioner.

Action outside the Bangladesh Embassy:

Friday 17 February 2017


57 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley, ACT

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